Tuesday 17 November 2015

Berber Ghadames: The Joke of Arab Heritage for 2016

"The Berbers are the original Arabs." 
                                                                    Moammer Qaddafi

The Berbers have been accustomed to political bullying by Arab tyrants and their instruments of brutality ever since the Arab invasions of North Africa in 642 AD. But for the so-called Arab media "intellectuals" to vote Berber Ghadames "The Capital of Arab Heritage for 2016" is not only a "sick joke" but also a fatal violation of the most basic principle of literacy and history.

Imagine the Arabs voting Proxima Centauri the Jewish capital of the Arab universe, or even better, London the Capital of Arab Heritage for 911 BC. That is exactly the point - nothing makes sense any-more. 

Ghadames is a Berber oasis in every sense, and its inhabitants still speak Tamazight to this day. It has been a Berber oasis for at least 10,000 years; it has remained a Berber oasis 1400 years after the Arab invasions of North Africa; still is a Berber oasis against all odds; and it will remain a proud Berber pearl until the earth gets swallowed by the forthcoming solar eruption before resting a brown dwarf in empty space.

To say Ghadames is the capital of Arab Heritage is not only a violation of sanity but also a cultural crime of cosmic magnitude; a farce totally out of this world. Let us hope it is not a "disease", like Zuwarans had *fakebooked lately? Let us hope it is not a symptom of the Arab Spring madness currently wreaking havoc and destruction across the Arab world? 

The Berbers response, as usual, awaiting the Berber Spring (Tafsuyet Tamazight); while declaring their own contest of "the most beautiful Berber town in North Africa" -- nominating Ghadames, of course ;)

Author: Abracadabra Jackhammer Shishakabab


Ghadames: https://www.temehu.com/Cities_sites/Ghadames.htm
Ghadames Museum: https://www.temehu.com/Cities_sites/museum-of-ghadames.htm

Saturday 17 October 2015

The UN's Violation of The Signed Draft Libyan Political Agreement

The signed draft Libyan Political Agreement (photo source: unsmil.unmissions.org/)

المشاركون في الحوار الليبي يوقعون بالأحرف الأولى على الإتفاق السياسي الليبي في الصخيرات، المغرب 

The fire gets bigger and bigger the more firemen are sent to deal with it.

Having bombed Libya back to the stone age in order to "protect civilians", then abandoned it to the bandits of chaos and terror, the UN returned a few years later to propose a controversial Government of National Accord (GNA) that included reported war criminals and in violation of the signed draft agreement.

Adding insult to injury the UN now says more than 2.4 million Libyan civilians are in need of further "protection" - probably meaning more international bombs will be on their way, since the previous 5900 UN bombing missions to protect the civilians in 2011 have obviously failed to achieve their explicit objective.

The "final" draft of the Libyan Political Agreement, according to the UN's envoy, "is not going to change". Yet in a dramatic announcement (a few months later) the same UN envoy said "the peace plan had also been changed, to include not five but six members of a new presidential council, headed by Serraj". It is not a lie, but perhaps a misrepresentation of truth, an unintended a mistake, or whatever else except what it is.

Many Libyans were quick to denounce what they called "the hypocrisy government", with one HoR member even hinting at "dictatorship" being exercised to endorse who should be the president of the so-called "Presidency Council", which he says is a matter entirely for the members of the council to decide once the council has been agreed.

Libya's ambassador to the UN, Mr. Ibrahim Aldabbashi (إبراهيم الدباشي) criticised the tactics of Mr. Leon (the UN envoy to Libya) saying that they show signs of "panic" where Mr. Leon wanders off the main path and gets lost whenever he encounters an obstacle in an attempt from him to please both governments against "legitimacy"; naming one fatal violation which is changing the signed agreement by himself without consultation in order to please the GNC, as he also insisted to include members from the GNC when the GNC itself refused to attend the session, refused to sign the agreement, and did not present any candidates. 

The seriousness of the matter becomes apparent when the Libyan National Commission For Human Rights (اللجنة الوطنية لحقوق الإنسان) said it has rejected all the results coming from the UN-organised dialogue, including the proposed government, because some of the members chosen were implicated in war crimes against humanity in the capital Tripoli.

Hence according to Libya's UN ambassador, Mr. Ibrahim Aldabbashi, the HoR has the right to object to the appointment of anyone who does not openly denounce the radical groups that were labelled "terror groups" by the UN security council.

In imposing a government of its own accord the UN has in effect abandoned the commitment to democracy, "forgetting that an elected government cuts its own throat when it agrees to cut a deal with armed militias".

Please see https://www.temehu.com/gna.htm for a full list of the proposed members of the Government of National Accord.

Sunday 8 February 2015

HOR Abolishes "Political Isolation Law"

The Libyan House of Representatives (HoR) was reported to have finally voted by a majority of those present on the abolition of the controversial "Political Isolation Law". It is not possible to access the HoR's website for official confirmation, but according to Press Solidarity [1] the news was confirmed by Isa Alaribi, a member of the House of Representative. 

The political isolation law was reportedly passed by the gun on May 2013 when the GNC was still in power. During that time the GNC was telling the Libyan people that it was powerless to protect its headquarters from the "co-ordinated" armed rebels who were left to wreak havoc across UN-demolished Libya - ironically while continuing to pay their salaries!

The spokesman of the Dignity Operation, Mr. M. Alhijazi, denied the military had exerted any power on the HoR to abolish the isolation law so that Major General Haftar can hold a political position if he intends to do so [2].

A few days later, the interior minister Omar Alsekni revealed that 90% of Libya's problems are caused by the political isolation law, and that freezing the law will enable the return of the administrative, security and military personnel to their positions so that they can participate in the construction of Libya's future - probably meaning the construction of Libya's destruction.

[1] presssolidarity.net/news/ONENEWS/83864-النواب_المنحل_يعيد_مسئولين_في_النظام_السابق_بإلغاء_قانون_العزل_السياسي/
[2] alwasat.ly/ar/news/libya/59575/